The School of Mary offers an innovative method of formation in spiritual life that is practical and complete. Be empowered to fruitfully respond to the call to holiness through powerful and transformative teaching that is translated into daily practice accessible to all. Learn at your own pace, from any device.
Jean Khoury, Founder of the School of Mary, discusses the School, its mission, and the spiritual formation it offers in this short video.
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"Jean’s talk to us had a profound effect on me. It was perhaps the best talk I have heard about the spiritual life, and as you can imagine I have heard a lot of spiritual talks in my life. What he presented was so inspirational and full of the Holy Spirit, including his vision of how people like you and me could grow in holiness following the examples of Our Blessed Lady and the saints. I felt that what Jean was doing in the School of Mary is of vital importance to the Church.”
Rev. Fr. Michael Doyle
Formation Faculty - Allen Hall Seminary, London
Mark Williams
Manager of Ministry Formation, Ascension, Florida
"The School of Mary has been a life changing blessing for me! The School brings the way of the great spiritual mystics alive, and has shown me this way is meant for all the faithful, not only those in cloistered life. I have served as a Eucharistic Minister and Lector for years, but meeting Jesus in the Mass and Scripture has never been more alive to me! My prayer life has never been more deep and enriched. Learning the full practice of Lectio Divina has helped me grow in ways I did not realize were possible. God Bless the School of Mary!"
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